“The only real test besides durability for a game call is whether or not it calls in its intended quarry. I proceeded to test the Mega Amp by taking it with me on one of my late-night hunts for foxes on a local farm. Because PA allows for them, I normally use electronic calls and red spotlights to hunt for foxes at night during the PA predator hunting season. After getting into position at one of my more productive late night fox-hunting spots, I used the Coyote electronic call with the Cottontail Distress sound at a medium volume to call in a vixen from what I estimate to be several hundred yards away from my location. She trotted across a harvested cornfield directly toward my location to within 12 yards when I took the shot with my shotgun and dropped her in her tracks. Success like this is not always the case, but that night everything worked the way it was supposed to…including the Mega Amp Coyote call.
There are several electronic game calls available, ranging in prices up to $500. They boast various options, speaker types, realism, and settings…some are simple and some complex to use. As far as I’m concerned for my predator hunting situations, the simpler a call is to use and the more affordable the better. The Mega Amp provides both for me…thumbs up Cass Creek!” – Keith Dunlop
At the end of my evaluation, my high opinion of Cass Creek electronic game calls was reinforced by the performance of the new Mega Amp Electronic Coyote Call. My fox-hunting success using the Mega Amp is sufficient evidence for me to continue using this call. I will try my luck using this call to hunt Coyotes in the near future… can’t wait!
Cons: None found during my evaluation